Sister Petunia, happy as ever, surrounded by youthful images of His Supreme Purpleness prior to the age of twenty...
Life at the Adolescent Boy's Ward

How different is the pace of life here at the ABW. Whilst Sister Celestine rushes around tirelessly serving our Purple King at the Teen Idol Retreat by keeping the oven warm with home cooked treats and scrubbing the floors to ensure the Retreat is ever ready for His awaited visitation. Here at the ABW we practice a more contemplative regime.

It is my humble calling to sit in studious deliberation at the wall of idolatry. In a deeply meditative state, induced by listening to a carefully picked selection of seductive recordings of His Supreme Purplenessess' voice from 1971 - 77, I ponder the wealth the legacy of His teen idol years has left us.

Surrounded by exquisite images of our young A-Don-is, immersed in daily readings of His good book  "Life Is Just What You Make It"  I concentrate my mind on the beauty of His smiling eyes and leave the troubles of the world behind.

Repeating the mantra: "May tomorrow be a perfect day"

I search for true enlightenment.

It's a tough job but someone's got to do it. Remember..

"He'll guide us to the promised land,
If we turn to Him,

Order of the Church of the Living Donny